Receive 3 channeled MP3's geared towards healing and balancing your root chakra, transforming your root chakra for your highest good, transforming your life for the highest good regarding all areas correlated with the root chakra, manifesting and creating stability for you, and more!
These MP3's and all related energies are of the true highest light and work only for the highest good.
Total Runtime is just over 2 hours!
What You Get!
- A Direct Channeling Session, Heal Your Root chakra and Bring Stability (Runtime 58:57)
- A Channeled Guided Meditation, also titled Heal Your Root Chakra and Bring Stability (Runtime 37:23)
- A Channeled Audio Energyhealing Session, Heal Your Root Chakra and Manifest Stability (Runtime 33:20)
Please Note! You will receive the links to download these MP3's in an email when you complete your purchase!
*Members who have joined the Let's Go Higher Membership will receive a discount correlated with their respective tier of membership. MEMBERS! Please either manually apply your applicable coupon code or purchase this product via the discount link to The Red Package found in the member's area to apply your discount!
**MP3's may have subtle background noises or artifacts, but are otherwise high quality audio.