Reiki Classes
Begin or Further Your Healing Journey and Journey as a Healer with Reiki
Reiki is an infinitely intelligent, and infinitely wise, Universal Life Force Energy that you can work with to facilitate healing and balancing for yourself and others, though its utility extends far beyond just that! It works only for the highest good, and is considered a non invasive form of healing. Other benefits of working with Reiki and receiving the Reiki attunement associated with each level of Reiki include increased intuition, increased spiritual gifts and access to your Spiritual Gifts, a higher frequency, and shifts and changes that are for the highest good, both in yourself and in your life, among other things. While it is a tool that you can work with for healing yourself and others, it is also a tool that you can utilize in any area of your life that you will have access to for the rest of your life. You can think of it as an investment to improve your overall life experience, and to expand your life toolkit.
Traditional Usui Reiki is typically taught in 3 classes, Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, and Reiki Master Level.
Among other things, this modality and its classes will cover ways to work with energy, how to perform Reiki energywork sessions for yourself and others, how to work with the Reiki symbols, and eventually at the Master Level, more on how to teach Reiki and facilitate Reiki Attunements for others.
These are great classes to get started with if you are newer to energywork, or if you would like to expand your repertoire.
One of the benefits to learning Reiki is that it is a well known modality and many people will know what it is when you talk about it. This makes it a marketable tool to have in your tool belt as a healer or practitioner.
You can check the scheduler below to see what classes are currently available, or check out this link for more information on Reiki and the classes offered. You can also contact me through the contact form on this website if you have further questions!