Valeyu-Mí is a modality that I have been channeling through that I received to work with, teach, etc. fully for the highest good. I began receiving symbols for Valeyu-Mí in 2018. With this modality, you work with the Valeyu-Mí symbols to create potent energetic effects and work with the energies of Valeyu-Mí. Valeyu-Mí only flows from Source, is infinite, and only works for the highest good. Seen as working with the layer of reality that underwrites this one, and as a potent energetic tool to live your best, most authentic life, an intention is that this modality will serve as a genuinely helpful addition to your tool belt, that or better!
The energies of Valeyu-Mí are infinitely intelligent, infinitely wise, and are often described as being gentle but packing a punch. One woman who experienced it got a message to describe it, “It’s like Reiki on steroids!” While Valeyu-Mí is its own modality, and is not Reiki, I felt it did get a message across. Another woman who worked with the modality remarked that the symbols were very pure. Yet another remarked that the modality was great for clearing.
One of the practitioners, after facilitating their first few energywork sessions with it, remarked that they really felt they could trust it, that it supercharged their energywork sessions, and that it was very effective. They expressed being happy to have an expanded set of symbols to work with as well.
This modality can be worked with for potent healing, rapid transformation, an increase in intuition and spiritual gifts, and for a vast variety of situations, if not any situation in your life, for a client, for the world, and beyond. There are no limits.
Check in and see if Valeyu-Mí is right for you! If so, I'd love to see you in The Core Class (the first class for the modality)!
(You do not need to have taken Reiki to take Valeyu-Mí classes.)
You can find more information on Valeyu-Mí in the Valeyu-Mí tab of this website, or can contact me with any questions for additional information.
You can also check the scheduler below to see if there are any available upcoming classes.
If you'd like to experience Valeyu-Mí for yourself, you can watch the Valeyu-Mí healing session here on this page!